The health and wellbeing of employees is essential to a company’s success. Our goal is to provide innovative and effective solutions to help employers foster a positive work environment and build a healthy team. Our team of experienced professionals are dedicated to helping organizations create a safe and productive workplace. With REACH you can feel confident that your team is taken care of.
“Thanks for allowing REACH to share about how we can help your organization. We understand the challenges of todays ever changing workplace. We have been providing solutions to meet these challenges since 1980 and are constantly improving on the way we care about your business.
With a 98% annual client retention rate, we can be trusted to assist by increasing your company’s personnel investment, cut costs, and increase quality and performance.
Whether you represent a global organization or are a corporately based business right here in Southern California, we have the right plan for you. After taking a moment to review our corporate profile as follows, and visiting our Solutions section which highlights our services, I trust you will see “why REACH's” services are right for your organization. I welcome the opportunity to discuss further how our team can begin to make a difference for you and your business.”

Dr Marcus Dayhoff Clinical Director

Our Mission
To promote the overall effectiveness of business
To promote the overall effectiveness of business through a comprehensive hands-on approach, by providing the highest quality of professional employee assistance care and resources available. Specifically we assist to:
Improve employee engagement, job performance and corporate productivity
Promote Drug, Violence, & Harassment Free Workplace
Reduce turnover, medical, legal and compensation costs
Reduce absenteeism and accidents on the job
Early intervention to reduce health care cost
Increase employee morale
Effectively manage change
REACH Employee Assistance can provide added value and benefits to your organization by providing a “broad brush” comprehensive hands-on (EAP) Employee Assistance Program. We offer a comprehensive service package with the highest quality of professional services available to assist the specific needs of your organization.
Your Partner in Prosperity
REACH is owned by REACH Employee Assistance, Inc. a California corporation. REACH is not affiliated in any way with a health care institution, treatment center, managed care or insurance company. This allows for complete independence to represent the interest of our client employers and not be influenced by hidden financial incentives. REACH complies with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws, rules and regulations and orders including compliance with confidentiality, safety and health requirements.
REACH clinical staff associates and consultants are experienced licensed/certified EAP professionals, dedicated to providing the highest quality care and training programs. REACH intake staff counselors have a psychology related degree and/or possess a national certification as an employee assistance professional (CEAP) granted by the Employee Assistance Credentialing Commission (EACC), the only Commission certifying employee assistance professionals, and are qualified Substance Abuse Professionals (SAP) under Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations. REACH staff associates are members in good standing, with National Employee Assistance Professional Association (EAPA).
REACH provides services through various offices of its Staff Associates and Consultants throughout California and nationally through REACH affiliate locations. All correspondence or inquiries are processed through REACH’s Anaheim Corporate Office: 101 E. Lincoln Ave. Ste. 230 Anaheim, CA 92805
REACH clients vary in size and cross a broad range of businesses and industry such as local government, aerospace, manufacturers, utility, hospital facilitates and others. REACH speciality and largest clients are in the healhcare and local government -municipality industries. Reach services are customized to blend into each corporate culture while maintaining the highest standard of excellence for client services. While we do not publically list names of our client organizations out of respect for their privacy, by request and with their permission we are happy to provide referances so they can speak to the quality of our services.

Referral Network
REACH has developed its own national referral network (REACHnet) to meet the whole range of clinical and non-clinical client needs. REACHnet providers are carefully selected professionals that have agreed to provide timely, cost effective, and quality service. This network is constantly updated and monitored for effectiveness, efficiency and quality control.
REACH complies with all Federal and State laws and regulations with regard to confidentiality, and private health information. Additionally, effective April 14, 2003, REACH Employee Assistance, Inc., its staff, affiliates, business associates, and facilities, are in compliance of Privacy Regulations set forth by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA”). Under these regulations REACH is included as a “Covered Entity” and is in compliance with all federal and state laws which protect our clients health information. This HIPPA form is reviewed by all clients being assisted by REACH; HIPPA Form -Click to Download form