Contact us
MEMBERS - Employees / Family Dependents
If you have questions related to any of our online services, need to speak to a counselor for assistance, or need a password to access our secure members area, please email us by filling out the form below and to avoid potential spam or misplacement, please mark subject line "Password Request" and also include in your message the organization you are with. For more urgent concerns, call 1-800-273-5273. Thank you!
Contact Us
Human Resources / Supervisors
For HR Personnel or Supervisors regarding EAP support for you or your team, please email us by filling out the form below and to avoid spam or potential misplacement, please mark subject line: "HR or Supervisor Support." For more urgent concerns, call 1-800-273-5273. Thank you!
Contact Us
REACH would like to share more about how we might partner with your business and/or client organizations. For more information, inquire about our rates, or to speak with our Director of Marketing, please call 1-800-273-5273 or E-mail us by filling out the form below and to avoid potential spam or server misplacement please mark subject line: "Request for Marketing Dept." Thank you!
REACH Corporate Offices
101 E. Lincoln Ave, Ste 230
Anaheim, CA 92805
Tel: 714-533-5767
Fax: 714-533-5700